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Helpful Tips From Tulsa, OK Dentists

At Shortline Dental in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we are just as invested in our patients’ well-being when they leave our office after their dental procedure as we are while they are in the dentist chair. Our dentists and in-house anesthesiologist have put together a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts for parents and guardians whose children have received anesthesia in one of our Tulsa offices.


The Tools To Help Your Child Recover Comfortably

The purpose of these instructions is to provide you with information and guidelines to follow after your child’s dental procedure.

It is important to understand that the anesthesia your child has received can alter his/her perception, memory, and coordination. Though full recovery is expected within the day of the procedure, effects of these medications can continue for up to 24 hours. By following the instructions outlined below, a smooth recovery is expected.

Activity after anesthesia


  • Provide help as needed when your child is moving. Encourage them to move slowly.

  • Allow your child to move on their own. Do not force them or move them excessively. Rocking and swaying motions can cause nausea and vomiting.

  • Close supervision is important to ensure the safety of your child.

Medication after anesthesia

  • Your child may resume taking any prescribed medications once fluids are being tolerated.

  • If prescriptions were given for after the procedure, your child should take them as directed.

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Motrin are very helpful to take, especially if your child develops a temperature.

Eating and drinking after anesthesia

  • Liquids may be consumed as soon as possible. Begin your child with frequent, small quantities of clear fluids. Water, Pedialyte, and Gatorade are good choices. Avoid dairy products during the initial recovery period.

  • Progress slowly from liquids to soups to solid foods. Increase your child’s diet as tolerated depending on your child’s response.

  • Taking your time to increase your child’s diet will help your child avoid nausea and vomiting.

Complications and side effects

While not common, it is possible that a child who has received anesthesia may experience one or more of the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting: This is best avoided by minimizing or avoiding movement like rocking or swaying and by slowly introducing your child to fluids and then gradually to solids.

  • Elevated temperature: This may be noticed during recovery, though this will resolve with time. It is alright to give a medication like Tylenol or Motrin once your child is tolerating fluids.

  • Fast heart rate: This is the result of the medication that was given during the procedure and will go away with time. If it persists more than 2 hours, please call the office.

  • Red areas on the face and/or body: This is also a result of the medication given during the procedure and will go away with time. If it persist more than 2 hours, please call the office.

If your child experiences any other problems or symptoms persist, please call one of our Tulsa offices.

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